So i needed a website subscription last week and willing to pay $250 on top of the membership subscription and receive one message from user Warry who wanted to help me. after i sent him the btc for my website subscription he disappear from the radar. I sent him 3 messages and no response.
Where should i post so everyone can see his scammer tag?
pmed me again
Hey there, it's me again. I saw you were still looking to buy XRP. I can sell them to you (got 250k in stock now). If you are interested, I accept the rate of 9kXRP=1BTC.
You can send the BTC to 19x9MkCbZht7mBLxzRG6JXL1zM9dyz3Tg3 (so, if you want for example 90k XRP, send 10 bitcoins). At 1 confirmation I will send the XRP, if you provide me your ripple address.
He said i was too risky so i had to send first, And i showed him my rep and he didnt reply when I said "Escrow"