Hi, I have been stolen the 10 bitcoins in my electrum wallet!!
Because I have used a fake application or malware that coming from electrumdesktop.org, and I think there is another fake scam website: electrumbitcoin.org
Please be careful, or we can find out those scam website publisher.
Guess they're happy with their 10+ BTC... neither of those domains seem to be operational at the moment.
Either exchanges or gambling websites... they're generally the two biggest.
Sure you can ask an exchange if the address belongs to them... most will likely ignore you, or after waiting for 3 weeks for their support to answer you question they'll tell you they can't give out that information. Whether or not the police can or will do anything... sort of depends on the jurisdiction/locale of yourself, the exchange and the law enforcement agency...
I wouldn't expect your local police department to care about "imaginary internet money" on an exchange in China (unless you happen to be China of course