What is this?
- I'm committed and guarantee forwarding the delivery the same day it arrives Sarasota - FL USA, when the final bid meets at least €16k.
Every one-hundred-thirtyfour euro less will delay shipping by one day. In the last scenario items won't be shipped brand new anymore, but being used for the calculated number of days.
To me it looks like you are attempting to sneak in a second, higher reserve price and will be extracting the
most profitable mining period from anyone who "wins" the auction below €16k.
There is
no way I'm bidding on something with such a clause (which likely violates eBay ToS) that stands in absolute contradiction of your advertised price ($2670) in the previous post. (speaking of which, these opening terms would net you
~50 days of mining with the equipment the buyers believe they have purchased with "early" access)
Make it a simple auction and you might get some action.