Hello everyone check out our new Electroneum mining pool!
electroneum-pool.spacePort | Difficulty
1111 | 250
3333 | 1000
5555 | 2000
7777 | 10000
1337 | 50000
9999 | 800000
If you're just starting off you can use port 3333
Mining Algorithm: Cryptonight
CPU Miner Example:
minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://electroneum-pool.space:3333 -u WALLETADDRESSHERE -p x
GPU Miner Example for Claymore GPU Miner:
NsGpuCNMiner -o stratum+tcp://electroneum-pool.space:3333 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x
Our Electroneum pool was just launced a few days ago.
We add loads of new features and updates to the pool in the future, so let us know what you have in mind!