PROOF: He got credited a wrong amount of SUB1X by the crypt-bridge exchange and decided it to dump it to zero. See his profile! He even admits it in the Telegram channels. He got offered 10% as a bounty if he returned the BTC he gained to crypto-bridge so they can correct the orderbook but he says he wont do it and he tells the founder of SUB1X that it's not his fault that crypto-bridge made a mistake and he doesnt want to cooperate.
This is someone who is confirmed to be from Romania by the IP-address logged by crypto-bridge and since gluedog is Romania (his Facebook page was posted somewhere else i saw so I wont place it but its in the open and I will post it when proof is needed)
Gluedog admitted he bought a new car with ICO DEVELOPMENT RAISING, airsoftguns and probably a lot of drugs (he admitted he uses all kind of trippin' drugs). There is no further development on XBL since the funds are blown on all of this and more.
And let's be straight how can a developer of a serious project do this to SUB1X for 3 BTC or so if he or the project is indeed serious? Scam confirmed. Dont buy his XBL and go and research this for yourself by just joining one of the Telegram channels he is making. If you can find one since he is deleting the ones he loses control over when things get too hot (by several SUB1X victims posting proofs).