Pflegen-Einfach is presenting the "Nursing Token", an Token from Nursing Stuff for Nursing.
The Nursing Token was created on the wavesplatform. All in all Token Supply 250.000.000 Token. 15.000.000 token will be held by the Founders. 160.000.000 Token are givin away on the wavesplatform, 8 Mio. are givin away for waves lite client, 67.000.000 Token are hold for other exchanges. The Token ca already be traded on the wavesplatform and the wave lite client
This Token is already used as payment instrument by Pflegen-Einfach and her clients.
In further times it will be possible to pay with the Nursing Token into pharmacies and nursing Shops.
All our partners become a wallet and some Tokens as a symbol of our partnership. So, the Token becomes an marketing instrument as well.
In cooperation with the Wavesplatform we've written to the support, to make a higher transaction fee for the Nursing Token, to spend the Amount one time in year for a medical charity project.
In times of increasing healthcare costs, this investment is a possibility to save a part of your Life.
ICO will be on march the 1th 2018