I've made an account here a long while ago after chatting with some people on freenode while I was getting shelled on in a sandy shit hole several timezones over. I can't quite remember /why/ I made the account as I wasn't really able to do anything useful with it, not that I had a steady internet connection that could support anything other than text. Now that I'm not dodging gunfire and have a bandwidth that isn't some 0s and 1s scrawled into a date being carried on it's back I see I have to do some specific things in an order which weren't really facilitated by where I was.
Now that I read I need to post and wait four hours before making a post or sending a P.M. I'm not sure that I will be able to get a hold of the individual in the time frame that I've been meaning to in order to secure that would make it an acceptable win for both parties.
We shall see.
Who do you need to message? Ill send them a message and link them to this thread for you.