Slightly sketchy looking, is held through a privacy service.BitCatalog is hiring Employees! We are hiring:
1. Marketing / Press Consultant. Your role would be to handle marketing relationships, such as promoting BitCatalog, being our outreach, and responding to advertising inquiries
2. (3x) Content Contributor. Your role would be writing articles, reviews, news, updates on Bitcoin businesses and services.
3. Technical Developer - Your role would be to maintain and develop / update our website and backend.
The pay is in BTC. You will get paid bitcoins, not profit share. The pay depends on how much work you do. This is not full time.
To apply, email (do not pm me) with the following information:
1. Your forum username:
2. Your full name:
3. Your country:
4. Your age:
5. What role you would like to apply for:
6. Your previous experiences with references:
7. Why you think you will be a good fit: