I stumbled across this project on a Google search for something else:
http://bitcoinscrypt.org/This doesn't seem like a good idea to me, as I've never agreed with the arguments that oppose ASICs and want to try to prevent it with Scrypt. I appreciate Scrypt coins for the diversity they provide, but I don't agree with the fundamental argument made. I also don't agree with the unsupported assertions that confirmation times are faster when blocks are faster, and I doubt they've got any math to back up that assertion.
The real reason I'm posting is this:
http://bitcoinscrypt.org/?p=91They claim they aren't allowed to mention their coin on "BTCTalk forum." Are they talking about this place? What's the real story here? Is it just that, like any other altcoin, they would have to keep the discussion in the alternative cryptocurrencies forum?