Why do you keep lying? Is there any word about death? Literally no. About your kids? No at all. The kid is you - that what I said.
You are scammer - go to police to report about me and YOU WILL GET IN JAIL for your SCAM project.You dont have to say death to death threat someone. And by that picture i can say that you were threatening him.
Look carefully. At that screenshot I said I can find him, right? And it's also said some people could come for him and I do not know who will it be. That is fact, right?
No word about his children, that chicken is pissing his legs. And there is also no word that I will send people for him. Just said that it's easy to find someone with money.
I will just find who and where he is. When his ponzi scheme crashes - I will publish that info. Who will come for him after that - I do not care. Let us hope it will be police, not Caucasians, Brasilians or American people.
So IRL if you go to court with these 'threats' any lawyer would tell you this is not a threat it fact, just a beware or manipulation that made you think it's a threat.
The other thing is asking for 10 BTC. That was the action to make him fear and do 1 of two things:
1 go to exchange and dump some of his premine for BTC
2 go to community, keep lying and complain he's been threatened.
He went the 2nd way. And he is also trying to fix your attention on threats and his lies, but not on the truth in the article.