Hey all,
I'm totally new to bitcoin, it seems I jumped on board right before this recent big hike which is cool, and bought myself a small amount of coin (only 0.1) before digging in to the mining and all the research about it.
I have been meaning to get involved as I like the concept and heard Max Keiser talking about it a while back and it sounded good, if only I would have invested some time and research when I first heard about it. Be rich I 'tells 'ya, duck tales swimming in a vault of gold coins rich! Anyway fantasies aside....
My main point for discussion is about trading services for bitcoin. I notice on the wiki there's a bunch of stuff you can get for your bitcoins, including services. How would I go about getting added to that list?
I'm a 3D visualization artist, currently self-employed. (Graduated from the UHanimation programme) I'd like to offer the bitcoin community 3D vis for any interesting projects. I notice the community has alot of people with techy, green, and innovative projects and would like to get involved by providing high quality, physically accurate, photorealistic 3D vis for a competitive payment in bitcoins. My current website is
www.to3d.co.uk where I have a few bits of work.
Does anyone have experience trading services for bitcoin? How has it worked out for you?