I have a bunch of H2O stuff I'm not using.
There's still a heater core (2x120mm) rad I have to find and another swiftech GPU block somewhere, but there's a Swiftech GTZ, a Swiftech CPU block and two swiftech GPU blocks here right now. Not sure on the model numbers. I'm not sure how to tell what the model number is on the 2x120mm radiator, either, although it looks like a very good one. All this stuff was given to me in trade about a year or so ago. I can guarantee that the two pumps work perfectly, the big daddy is an Eheim 1060 and the 12v pump is an MCP655. I have like a whole box full of hoses and connectors and there's a bottle of UV dye.
Basically take a look at the photos and let me know if you're interested in. Looking to get bitcoin or trade for a good radeon card or two. Let me know what you want better photos of, and if you want a picture of the box of connectors and fittings. The battery was dying so I figured it was a good idea to post the photos while I find more batteries.
so i'm looking at around $350ish for it all, OBO. Prefer bitcoin as payment. But I'd really like to trade this all straight up for a good radeon card. If you have a 5870 with eyefinity-6 connectors, that's a done dealio right there.
My heatware is n1ce_hat.