The secrets of winning traders is to not share their secrets with others..........
I disagree. You should read Soros, lots of insight from the greatest trader in the world found within his books.
Mine is simply a more practical approach, is all.
Secrets are called secrets for a reason ..... how do you know what he puts in and what he leaves out?
True. But some secrets are kept for a reason, other secrets are secrets merely by circumstance. Nobody knows where Atlantis was, that is a well kept secret, but only for the absence of the knowledge that would reveal it.
My use of the word is in the latter. You can go to the best schools and not learn the secrets of good trading. They don't know, they don't include it in the curriculum, it is esoteric knowledge because it is a very narrow field. It is not impossible to find, just difficult.
What I did not know when I first started trading twenty years ago was not a secret, but it was to me. The most important secret is that nobody knows the future. Any trading method that depends on a future expectation to be correct is doomed to failure. 90% of traders will adopt this approach because our brains are wired to have confidence in our expectations of the future.
The secrets I elaborate upon in the book is how to construct your approach to the market so that it is independent of a necessary future outcome.
If you already know how to do this, then you would not consider it a secret. But you would probably still find it worth the reading. I only wrote it to fill the void of what is out there, to make an original contribution based on my unique experiences that would help others to become better traders.
I offer the refund in case it doesn't meet expectations, which is rare but in any case those who choose. Of to read it, well it is simple cognitive dissonance given to the presumption you must already know everything that can be known, that there is nothing left for you to learn.
This too is human nature. Nothing more I can do about that but to offer the riskless proposition to those who can acknowledge that they may have limitations that new information would enable them to overcome.