Learn how to engage and utilize the ripple network below:
To those that don't quite yet understand Ripple and how to use it - see the following links:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=386625.msg4188653#msg4188653At the link - locate: Sukrim (Hero Member) his reply to my four questions:
This will likely solve any more mystery in utilizing Ripples for anyone's benefit.
And what exactly Ripple is all about.
Ripple Links:
https://ripple.com/currency/https://ripple.com/http://opencoin.com/https://ripple.com/guide-to-getting-xrp-and-activating-your-ripple-account/Some Ripple Gateways
https://www.bitstamp.net/https://www.snapswap.us/#/welcomehttps://peercover.com/#/simpleGatewayRipple Related Links
https://ripplecharts.com/http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/rippleXRP.htmlhttp://technosociofile.wordpress.com/2013/05/29/the-low-risk-no-risk-way-to-put-bitcoin-or-ripple-on-your-plate/ After learning about Ripple I thought I would share the links above.
And also how to use and benefit using the Ripple Network.
It appears that the Ripple Network is set to further revolutionize both payments to anyone anywhere.
And also set to revolutionize exchanging currencies to anyone anywhere on the Ripple Network.
Ripple is a Masterpiece.
Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!