We collected the most detailed database of all projects existing in the market. We obtain this information from different sources, aggregate it and create ratings.
Here are examples of screenshots of how experts' assessments/ratings are collected and aggregated from different sources of top ranked and trusted sites
Then we contact these projects and place them on our tracker free of charge. This takes some time. We have a team of specialists, and each editor works on a specific ICO set from their own unique bitcointalk account. That is the reason why different accounts are used, not just one. After our editors report that the ICO is placed on the tracker, we ask the project’s team members to check the information on their new profiles.
In addition, we carry out verification of ICO team members. This happens as follows: each team member must log in with their LinkedIn account, which is noted on the project’s profile and link his/her page to the LinkedIn or Facebook account. Thus, the members show that they are directly related to this particular ICO via social signin. However, we cannot prove legitimacy of LinkedIn profiles in the case of an ICO using fake accounts. Also, from these accounts, team members must confirm that they are engaged in the particular ICO. They can describe their roles, responsibilities and why they believe in the project. If none of the team members have confirmed their participation in the ICO, it raises suspicions. In such case, we mark team members as "Unverified".
We do the same if ICO team members don't have a single LinkedIn or Facebook profile. We do not request any ID data from team members, but only information about social profiles, from which they can enter on our site and confirm that their accounts are linked to an ICO. This is how our verification system works. We do not accept money for ICO rating compiling and its modification. The project cannot pay money and change/increase the rating in such a way. If the rating is low we can help the project to figure out what the problem is. We will by performing an audit, give recommendations about what should be corrected, how to work with an audience, and develop social channels, etc.
A payment for the listing may be charged only if the project, that is not on Bitcointalk yet (as an example), has contacted us with a request to be placed on the site (with such priority) and as soon as possible. Because of the large number of ICOs that are constantly appearing there is a long number of updates in our queue. We do not have expendable resources to make all edits at once and update old information about all projects. Therefore, there is a so-called "priority listing" for teams that have a desire to place or update their information with our help and without waiting.
The rating is based on various sources. For example, the project Yudi Token was rated 4.7, because it is aggregated on all other sites with an average rating 4.7. As soon as we found out that it is a scam and team members have fake profiles, we updated the data immediately and provided a note of warning:
"Warning. It may be a Scam".
We publish a large amount of information on our website, for example, when projects have fake telegrams or when their activity grows suspiciously. We show it in our statistics and try to reflect the situation as objectively as possible.
The rating isn't provided by our experts, but taken from all rating sites and presented cohesively. The rating may change throughout the ICO’s existence. It may rise or fall.
Here are examples of rating changes:
Therefore, you cannot accuse us of writing messages to projects and posting for money.
To verify the correctness of all the posted information about ICO listings, we write messages in Bitcointalk, Telegram, etc. This is our way to get in touch with ICO and ask them to update the information. As for the Scam projects, you can personally observe that many projects on our tracker are marked with the Scam Warning. We try to place all the evidence regarding scam ICOs. If you have any evidence that some ICOs that are scams, please contact us and we will surely post this information once validated.