Jason Hudne first learned of Ethereum in February 2014 when he was working alongside Vitalik Buterin and the Ethereum team in the Toronto bitcoin industry. During this time, he was able to get involved with the Web 3.0 development and begin building decentralized applications. Jason is an early investor in the Ethereum crowdsale as he was able to see first-hand the potentially game-changing applications that would be built on this platform. As a respected public speaking authority, Jason has helped audiences ranging from small teams to large university classrooms understand the implications of programmable money. His work has been referenced by bluechip companies in the IT sector such as Microsoft, IBM, and Monero for their business applications. In all of these positions, the common denominator has been serving as someone who is able to explain in simple terms, the most cutting-edge developments in internet-enabling socio-economic collaboration.
Portfolio: http://www.ethereumdeveloper.pro/Services1.
CUSTOM ICO CROWDSALE SCRIPTGenerally a robust custom crowdsale script will cost you around 3500$ , I can design a unique for you just for 1 BTC.
CUSTOM SMART CONTRACTI offer solidity based custom Smart contract which will cost 1.5 BTC for overall development.
DESKTOP/ANDROID WALLETWindows wallet , Mac OS wallet compilation and metallic designed Android wallet will cost 1 BTC.
MINING CONTRACTMining contracts and running a node for 1 months on my private server.
RETINA READYRetina ready projects that are unique to etherem will cost around 3 BTC as a overall development..
FAST SUPPORTOnce taken a contract i will provide support for 1 full month from the time of development of the project till the end of deployment.