Hello there,
I am the creator of
https://fairponzi.github.io/Last activity on this contract is very long ago, so I want to start a fresh one.
How it works? Please check website or
https://github.com/fairponzi/fairponzi.github.ioI would implement some improvements to the current contract:
- Ability to "pre"invest, but without any interest -> 0% reward until start
- Before: Any transaction before start date was revert -> You had to be online/bot at start to invest as early as possilbe
- New: Now you can send your "investment" some days before and it will start to gain interest at the same moment as all other people
-> Before start you always can pull your money out without any risk
- Instant rewards
- Before: Only every 24h reward
- New: You will get your reward every second(timestamp of block)
Intraday: You will get a linear reward of the daily reward of your current balance
Then: You will get reward with compound interest
- Remove of bankrupt address
- Before: If contract goes bankrupt it will send remaining balance to fixed address
- New: All user balances still reset, but remaining money stays in the contract and so it will be used in the next run
Possible further changes:
- PayIn "fee"
- If you transmit ether to contract, for example 10% will be removed from your balance
- -> Send 1 Ether to contract, your balance for withdrawing will be 0.9 Ether -> for breakeven you will have to wait at minimum some days
- But this 0.1 Ether fee will stay in contract and can be withdrawn by other people -> bankrupt will be delayed
Where I need help:
- Make the contract public
- I will host it on github again, to make it as much transparent as possible
- If you have some ideas, please contact me!
- For example if you have a idea how to make the contract more attractive
- Or If you have ideas of better gameplay/rules
- Ethereum contract code review
Without the bankrupt address and with a big (>1week) startdate after the contract publish, it will be a funny and fair gambling game
So what do you think about it?
Best Regards