I purchased a z15 from crypto courier mart on sep 5 for $3200 with bitcoin.
I was referred to them by a hosting company in the US called quotecolo
I just found this forum ... and see that their website no longer works because it expired and was always set to expire Nov 1st.
Their alleged office is / was in Las Vegas. That's where the phone number is from when they called me on whatsapp.
LVPD suggested I contact FBI internet crimes with this link
.... I filled out the complaint form a few weeks ago, but have heard nothing from them.
Quite sad to know that you fell for the scam. Next time please try to put a lot of energies in first researching about a mining equipment seller before making any purchase. If you could have come to this thread earlier, your money could have been saved
To the commenters that said to contact manufacturers directly, I have written bitmain a dozen times & everything I ask for is always sold out.
If I'm missing anything, please let me know
Thank you !!
Yeah, they have been having troubles in the past few months. At one point, they weren't even taking or shipping out orders. Check out some of these threads, you might get an idea on what's going on.
Bitmain not shipping orders?- http://"Bitmain shop is under maintenance." - Bitmain bankrupt or possible return?
I don't see Bitmains supply issues improving