I made a website, where collectors of Tangem Wallet Cards can get in touch with others, to exchange their cards with each other. The name of the site is
tangemfriends.comMenu: "Meetingpoint"
In "Find a Card" cards out of your collection can be set, which you would like to exchange to another one.
Cards that you are searching for your collection, but you could not find them yet, can be set to "Search a Card".
My own collection you can find in "My collection".
Just send an email with a short description and a picture of your card, the country you live, your email address and whether you are looking for this card or want to hand it in. I will put your card to the website ASAP, that interested parties are able to contact you.
All advertisements are the responsibility of whoever sends them for publication. Everything else happens in direct contact by email between the provider and the interested party.