Do you have any url supporting your argument ?? Plus why would someone name the smaller unit in *Roger*?? Plus no one who gets paid this small would even take the job. You have to understand the fact that this won't happen overnight , we are not even using the unit : Satoshi yet , it's there but it's not that practical. Thus we have to first encompass the point where we can use *Satoshi* practically and then think about this new unit you believe is going to come. By the way I believe we might have much more efficiency if we name the unit differently.
We can very easily use the units already in the use instead of giving them different names .
Things like micro-btc etc.. would be more logical.
Very well said. Getting paid in less than a Satoshi doesn't make any sense as of now. And why does it has to be called "Roger" at first place?
Sounds like it represents Roger Ver in some way. What @fiulpro said about the units makes more sense acutally.
Using terms like micro-btc would sound more appropriate for such conditions.
For example : It seems appropriate to use the term nano-btc instead of Roger.