So hypothetically if I have a widget to sell, it would be nicest to have a single page store on a website; so that whenever a purchase is made I get an email. Then I pack, label, and ship the widget. Easy peasy.
I'm not very familiar with the nitty gritty of ecommerce, but I suspect things like shopify exist to keep things this simple for the seller.
So my question is: "What are the options for selling widgets on a stand-alone website for crypto?"
I can't just post a crypto address, because I need some basic info on the customer. Maybe I could request an email that includes that information, alongside a private key with the cash? Or maybe there's a solution that already exists?
Basically I will say you request for an email where you will notify customers on successful receipt of their funds and then instead of requesting a private key which is completely out of the line, it will be easier if you just supply a wallet address with a clear instructions on how the customer can settle the payment.