I would say that I would not invest into amazon stock not because the executives are getting out, and not even because Jeff doesn't seem to care as much, but because they are bound to get a lot harsher regulations in the future and a lot more taxes.
The minimum 15% is nothing, literally nothing to them, they have made SOOOOO much money that even if Jeff paid from his own pocket he could have paid the last 10 years tax cost of amazon from his own pocket today, and this is not retro paying, they will only pay in the future, which will be super simple. Sure they may not make five hundred bajillion dollars in profit, they may end up with just 230 gazillion in profit but who cares? They are making so much that it is still one of the most if not the most profitable business in the world. What I think however is that not only there will be even more taxes, there will also be unionization that will destroy the abuse of amazon does to their employees and that is going to change a lot.
Yeah, I am feeling a bit more comfortable about it, does that feel weird? I mean I always hated Jeff Bezos, and as a person he is probably what is wrong with the world, he became rich doing the bare minimum legal stuff while using the loopholes and the predatory moves of business to grow bigger and bigger, he should have been looooong punished for all the things he did. Now that he is getting out, he will still be richer and richer, in fact now whoever comes next will need to be more ruthless because Jeff couldn't fire himself, but whoever comes next will be fired if they show even a slight sympathy towards workers, and that is why it is a horrible thing.
However even with that, knowing that he will not be around in a long time and just die eventually does make me feel better. Even the fact that if I take care of myself very well and do not happen to suddenly die, our age difference means he should probably die before me, knowing that gives me hope.