For the fun I tried to generate a master private key from a seed (with Nbitcoin). But I cannot import it to electrum (it works but no tx).
But when I import the seed in electrum, txs are here... I m missing something for sure.
Mnemonic mnemo = new Mnemonic("my 12 words here", Wordlist.English);
ExtKey extKey = mnemo.DeriveExtKey();
var masterKey = extKey.GetWif(Network.Main);
Or with a derivation path like this :
ExtKey extKey = mnemo.DeriveExtKey().Derive(new KeyPath("m/84'/0'/0'"));
Without success.
And if I get the master pub key (zpub)
var pubKey = extKey.Neuter();
var pubKeyWif = pubKey.GetWif(Network.Main);
It doesn't match with the one I have in Electrum Wallet Info when I import the seed directly.
Maybe someone can point me where I m dumb