Op you have done nice job to support your trade using RSI as focus. But you don't have buy signal only sell and neutral.
Honestly I use RSI as well, but what foundation do you define that? Can I know?
Honestly I change the RSI settings a lot and it's different every Time Frame. But I'm not entirely attached to RSI alone. There are some additions such as MA, BB, Parabolic SAR and several other trading prediction aids. Maybe this is new to me, but looking directly at a chart containing some combinations seems like it's going to be easier. But I understand some people have different ways and what you write is as useful as possible for forums.
Is good not to use only one indicator, using a backup indicators is good but to have indicators clustering your trading table will confuse you more and it looks like this is your situation now from your post. You need some reduction, focus on indicators that you are profiting on.