Had btc in electrum throughout every single bitcoin fork. Then sent the btc from electrum to nano ledger. I only claimed my BCH a while back when I entered electrum seed into electroncash and BCH was there. Then sent the BCH to my nano ledger and it's been there ever since.
I want to claim my bitcoin sv and either keep it in the wallet or another wallet. From what I check online, you can use electrumSV with nano ledger, or use software wallet like trustwallet and atomic wallet.
I know I could also send to exchange and sell it.
https://electrumsv.io/I took a look at the instructions for verifying electrumSV.
https://electrumsv.readthedocs.io/en/releases-1.3/getting-started/verifying-downloads.htmlHas anyone here done this with electrumSV and it was easy for them? I am doing this on another windows pc. I looked through the instructions and it does seem a bit overwhelming.
You download the electrum windows exe file... then make sure you don't open it... and do this verification before opening the file right? That is what I did with ledger live last time when verifying it. Back then when I had electrum installed, I never verified it as I made sure I downloaded from the correct website. Also when I had electrum installed, I am pretty close majority of people never checked and verified the file until like the last few years or so.
But if you are downloading from the official site and the actual download link... have there been cases of people downloading and installing a fake wallet? I have never heard a case with ledger live. With electrum, I remember that fake update message that screwed many people but that required you to actually copy and paste the link they posted and you manually going to that fake link site to download the wallet. Has any case like this happened with electrumSV or electroncash, electrum LTC, electrumG etc?