Can anyone recommend a noncustodial Monero wallet?
Trezor model T and ledger hardware wallets are supporting monero last time I checked.
There are several software wallets, but one that looks a lot like Electrum is called Feather wallet.
Also what about decenterlized exchanges besides Bisq, RoboSats and LocalMonero? Any thoughts on LocalMonero?[/color]
Last I heard is that someone from Cake wallet team is working on forking Bisq exchange and they are calling it Haveno, but things are not moving very fast.
Telegram owner Durov recently announced they are working on their own version of decentralized exchange, but nobody knows how and when is that coming out.
There are no other real decentralized exchanges as far as i know, but LocalMonero, AgoraDesk and HodlHold als also working fine.