Because he's not coming back to the forum. Even if he did he's already the 5th
least trusted account in the history of the forum, and there's no coming back from that. Nobody here will ever trust him again.
Maybe he will never come back but his threads to NON-LOGGED user don't look like as the way it should it.
Yogg current status when NON-LOGGED user check his thread-
Warning: One or more users have reported that they believe that the creator of this topic displays some red flags which make them high-risk. (Login to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution.
Text should be placed when NON-LOGGED user check his thread-
Warning: One or more users have reported that they strongly believe that the creator of this topic is a scammer. (Login to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution.
And the color of the caution too.
Yogg has escrow service. A NON-LOGGED user may reach to him and get scammed.
Isn't the positive trust supposed to be deleted when someone scamming? Or at least in Yogg's case, I'm seeing a lot of his positive trust because of the Coldkey purchase.
even some DT members gave him negative trust and positive one still exists
If I'm correct, it was a fact in the old feedback system because back then, based on the received positive, negative feedback, user used to get a score which can be still green depending on the total negative + positive and duration of the existence. But in the new system, it doesn't matter much.