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Author Topic: Is Bitcoin an independent property?  (Read 965 times)
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January 22, 2022, 12:17:19 PM

Bitcoin is independent of money and property. If you have bitcoin. It will be your independent money.No one can take it except you share someone if you like to do so. You can use this cryptocurrency for stalking trading, mining, or some other trade you like. But after the divorce who will claim or share is negative thinking .so please be positive and try to keep your thinking positive. You are to share love not some, unlike things.

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February 08, 2022, 05:07:13 AM

If I had some bitcoins before I got married, and used bitcoins to buy houses, cars, etc.
When the price of Bitcoin went up, I sold Bitcoin. Is this my money my own? Or is it shared by husband and wife?
When I get divorced, do I split up my bitcoins?
Well, it always belongs to the conjugal properties which mean your partners can anytime claim what's you have.
As everyone has noted, --if you are residing in a place where the law permits interfering with cryptocurrency holdings, it will be surely legally split as husband and wife when you get a divorce. However, if you own bitcoin before you marry and haven't sold it or used it to pay for something during the marriage, I also believe it cannot be declared as common or it is still separate property.

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February 08, 2022, 02:09:53 PM

If I had some bitcoins before I got married, and used bitcoins to buy houses, cars, etc.
When the price of Bitcoin went up, I sold Bitcoin. Is this my money my own? Or is it shared by husband and wife?
When I get divorced, do I split up my bitcoins?

The fact is this: if it was yours before you got married and you can prove it, then it is yours when you get divorced. That's it.
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February 09, 2022, 02:09:30 PM

If I had some bitcoins before I got married, and used bitcoins to buy houses, cars, etc.
When the price of Bitcoin went up, I sold Bitcoin. Is this my money my own? Or is it shared by husband and wife?
When I get divorced, do I split up my bitcoins?
In my opinion, it all depends on the decision you make because the asset you owned before marriage and in this case your ex wife/husband is not entitled to the asset, unless you voluntarily want to share the assets you have with your ex-husband or wife , as far as I know, only assets that we get after marriage that we must share with our ex-husband or wife after divorce, but if you have son of course your children have full rights over all the assets you own and you are obliged to give them as a form of inheritance.

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February 19, 2022, 06:19:25 PM

If I had some bitcoins before I got married, and used bitcoins to buy houses, cars, etc.
When the price of Bitcoin went up, I sold Bitcoin. Is this my money my own? Or is it shared by husband and wife?
When I get divorced, do I split up my bitcoins?
Well, it always belongs to the conjugal properties which mean your partners can anytime claim what's you have.
As everyone has noted, --if you are residing in a place where the law permits interfering with cryptocurrency holdings, it will be surely legally split as husband and wife when you get a divorce. However, if you own bitcoin before you marry and haven't sold it or used it to pay for something during the marriage, I also believe it cannot be declared as common or it is still separate property.
In my opinion, it is your own right of ownership because you have owned all of it from before you got married or had a family, but for the problem of dividing the property you have, it all goes back to your own person as long as you don't feel disadvantaged and that can make you happy why no, And if indeed it is part of your responsibility as a husband then do it.
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February 19, 2022, 11:31:41 PM

In my opinion, it is your own right of ownership because you have owned all of it from before you got married or had a family, but for the problem of dividing the property you have, it all goes back to your own person as long as you don't feel disadvantaged and that can make you happy why no, And if indeed it is part of your responsibility as a husband then do it.

I think a man has to provide for his wife and children. Where he is still the husband. No need to create demarcation because you already made vow to marry and the children from it are your responsibility. I think soon maybe disclosure of property and income before marriage can start, it will be better although bitcoin may be hidden as it is decentralised, ananymous allowing the man to review only that which he want.

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March 18, 2022, 09:09:16 PM

When the property of husband was moveto his wife.So the bitcoin also shared by the husband on shop. And when the moveless property was lead by the father should be given to his son.The husband should share the private to the wallet to his wife.He should say the importance of the bitcoin. And why he brought bitcoin and why he holding for this much years as an asset. Or else, the husband can give the access of private key to wife.







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February 05, 2023, 11:18:27 PM

To start with, Bitcoin is an independent property not like money. Bitcoin can be owned not because it's money, but because it is a property therefore, it's self takes precedence. Property probably can mean variety of things but there are suppositions to it. Independent property is kind of ambiguous, imagine a citizen of a particular nation with sturdy democratic institution but far away from them is a sailor of international waters, void of citizenship. Now imagine they are holding one Bitcoin in a multisig wallet which means they have a collective right to some sort of Bitcoin. If the private key is stolen then it can be reported to the authority, but for the sailor there's no legal construct for his property. Getting such would be difficult if possibly not going to happen.

With all these I don't think is even proper to let anyone know or have access to your Bitcoin related property. Unless you choose to share it with your spouse as the case may be.



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February 06, 2023, 12:40:37 PM

The attitude to the bitcoin system varies considerably from country to country. In many countries, the status has not yet been determined or is changing. In some countries, bitcoin transactions are officially authorized. They are usually treated as a commodity or investment asset and are subject to the relevant legislation for tax purposes. Sometimes bitcoins are recognized as legal tender, while in other countries, such as Japan, bitcoins are legal tender with a tax on their purchase. In other countries (e.g., China), bitcoin transactions are prohibited for banks but allowed for individuals.

In my opinion, digital money is treated as property for tax purposes. Cryptocurrency transactions are taxable. For example, wages paid to employees in Bitcoin are subject to federal income tax and payroll tax.
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March 26, 2023, 01:53:00 AM

If I had some bitcoins before I got married, and used bitcoins to buy houses, cars, etc.
When the price of Bitcoin went up, I sold Bitcoin. Is this my money my own? Or is it shared by husband and wife?
When I get divorced, do I split up my bitcoins?

 No need to be confused if is your money or not, you labored for it so I'd say "yes" is you money and you have the right to do whatever you feel like doing with it. But if you married and you feel you want to share it then why not share? It only takes that
special someone that you love so much to say "hey, I have this and I'd like to share with you" if not then forget ever saying it to anybody that you have something big. But if you're divorced I feel there's a chance that you might do some splitting on that.

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