Small explanation of what's going on with this coin.
This coin was originally launched about 1.5 years ago but then it had many issues ,not mature enough and not ready for public adoption.
We spent that time developing and improving coin software and building a testing community.
In that period we developed masternoding, staking, decentralized apps and started working on smart contracts.
That phase and chain we are calling mainnet-alpha and it is still running.
Coins earned and will be earned in this chain can be swapped directly or via token to mainnet after its launch.
On April 1st we are launching a new chain where the total current mainnet-alpha chain supply is in genesis and can be swapped back from earned coins and tokens.
So there are few ways how users can participate in new chain:
1. Earn coins on mainnet-alpha by mining, masternoding, staking and swap that coins later to mainnet coin or token
2. Buy token and swap it to mainnet coin
3. Mine coin on mainnet
After we collect enough funds from selling the token we will use it to list on some exchange.
Also note that the first 2 weeks (approx) from launch coin can be only mined, after that it will start the masternoding phase with dynamic collateral.
For more up to date information please join our discord.