Yes. I remember when Saylor used to be against Bitcoin. But all of a sudden, he changed his views about it. Now he's a true Bitcoin maximalist.
Saylor simply saw true power (or profit, directly from bitcoin or indirectly, becoming a supporter / or just by voicing it of bitcoin).
How quickly all public figures become maximalists when this becomes a popular trend.[/i].
I wouldn't throw the term around too loosely. Perhaps a small minority are genuine converts, but I suspect the vast majority of business people and career politicians are still fiat maximalists and only like Bitcoin while it suits their goals. Often "fairweather supporters" at best.
I would say that the vast majority of these people still do not understand this technology and its principles at all, but at the same time they call themselves
BTC-maximalists. These are just not identified bitcoin-hypocrites. One should not blindly believe all those who overnight became
BTC-maximalists, having been opponents of this in the past.