December 29, 2011, 12:21:03 PM |
Better might be to head toward content-based networking instead of connection or endpoints based networking.
Assume things like freenet, i2p, tor, GNUnet, tahoe-LAFS and so on, and address "the reader, wherever located" instead of being location (geographic or net-toplogical) oriented.
Send the data out to the cloud signed with your private key and the recipient's public key, possibly replicating it on all those networks I mentioned plus others, and let them go find it when they like via whichever network they like, quite possibly leaving you entirely in the dark as to what network they actually did happen to retrieve it via on any particular occasion or even habitually.
Put public keys, .i2p addresses, .onion addresses, bitcoin addresses, Open Transactions nyms, various identities such as used by various freenet plugins and so on all into namecoin, and replicate namecoin blocks onto all those networks and more.