Hola, me he hecho con algunas de estas NODEs pero realmente no acabo de aclararme como funciona
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=590421.0Al parecer solo se crean bloques cuando existe alguna transaccion, pero sin embargo en las transacciones si se ven confirmaciones sin existir mas bloques desde la transaccion
este es un post del desarrollador
1) How do you confirm the transaction
-When Adding transaction peers sends it all when another peer receives a new transaction, and it is valid, it again sends it to all active peers, if the transaction is already with peer and came transaction is valid - it is added confirmation
With this work we want to achieve high speed confirmation, so you can get more than 50 - 100 confirmation in less than 1-3 seconds
If the user Node will pay in the store will receive a quick result as Visa or PayPal
2) How does the verification blocks
- Similar to confirm the transaction
At Node double verification blocks
- When the blocks generates all of its peers are checked for validation
- At the start of the client
Node checks the transaction and blocks
- Not validate the transaction will not be added to the block,
- Not valid block will not be added to blockchain
Therefore, we take more time beta testing we want to debug the Node.