This thread is dedicated to resolving the Monero funding problems. Please note - if you would like to spread FUD (please keep it high quality) - see
this threadThis thread is about how to solve a problem - nothing else.
Healthy Ideas
1 - Transaction fees. Even with the .01 transaction fees - I believe this figured into roughly 400 - 500 XMR per month. I believe this is a good source - but not an end all.
2 - Bounties on projects. After thinking about this - I feel very strongly about it. I believe the core developers should put bounties on at least both the database project and the GUI project. They will know between themselves who has done what work. Before releasing these projects to the public the bounties must be met.
If they want to spend the bounties on funding future projects, pocket them or a combination of both - it's fine with me. But if nothing else - view it as a way to fund your project with your progress by holding your progress for ransom. This matches progress with funds. I feel progress without funds
can be just as detrimental as funds without progress. Who knows - Zoidberg said he planned on copying this - maybe we'll get some BBR donations
Developers - please PLEASE think about getting an escrow and holding bounties for the database work and the official GUI. Escrow holds funds until those are released then they release the funds to you. If the items are not complete - they go back to the contributors.
Hell - tell me how much you want (make it high) for those two features. I'll go find us an escrow. When people ask "when will it be done" you can say "when the bounty fund is full"
3 - Look for crowd funding/donations outside of crypto for an anonymous currency. I'm not really sure how to go about selling this and have my doubts as to if it would work. Essentially people are paying for progress that early adopters who hope to gain by more adoption should be paying for.
4 - MEW. Monero Economy Workgroup is headed up by Risto. I haven't heard much from them - but they helped pay the bounties to Anonymint. This functions similar to the bitcoin foundation except ... not.
Undesirable ideas
5 - Setting aside 1% of ongoing mining to development fund.
6 - Taking the tail end 1% of Monero's to be distributed from mining and auction them off now to fund development.
Please chime in with ideas.