Hello, everybody.
A friend of mine, Jay, is asking me to put out an ad here on his behalf.
Jay is looking to buy votes for a lenovo tech competition, TechTrip2.
(He is a business major, so buying votes is something he should get used to doing, eh?)
Regardless, in order to vote, you must go to this link;
https://apps.facebook.com/techadventure/contests/201842/voteable_entries/49978911And click vote.
You will have to "like" the app, or whatever. You can get rid of it after voting, and the vote still counts.
(As an added bonus, you can vote once per day, so perhaps keep it around for a bit, and get more coin-money?)
I'm doing this as a gesture of kindness for my friend; paying any votes and doing the book-keeping/typing is all free labor, so it would be nice if those of you who have facebooks could help me out by helping my friend out.
Thanks, everyone. Post an address after you've voted, and maybe watch the video he made. It's kind of cheesey/lulzin'.