I refreshed the page by accident (It was actually a bug in Chrome) when posting and now I have to start again. :-(
I'll explain the features properly at a later date. Though I did mention removing the need to download entire blocks if the super-node provides only the information the client needs. Clients are interested only in their own transactions or transactions spendable by them.
The super-node provides at least one trusted node. If the super-node cannot be connected to, then a security warning is issued. If the bitcoin network is not providing the same block headers as the super-node then a security warning is issued.
I need to trust the super-node if I use it, no?
The super-node is compared to the bitcoin network to ensure both behave identically. So the super-node can't get away with providing bad block headers. It could get away with not sharing transactions in which case the clients wont receive any bitcoins but the transactions are still there on the blockchain and can be redeemed, so it would be a temporary disruption.
The system does increase the security in the cases where you are not using a trusted internet connections such as if you are connecting through somebody else'se network.
Depending on what the super nodes and how it functions, it may be able to derive what your addresses (or even who you) are.
I'll be looking into providing SOCKS support for clients. They could therefore use Tor.