Think about it do you think guys with millions to invest in bitcoin know what they are doing? I believe they do so they had plenty of notice that the auction was taking place weeks before it happened when the price was low 200's, they could have easily created buy walls across the top few exchanges from then they would have had the coins at market or below. nobody in their right mind would pay over the market price when they do not need to, it was under but we just do not know how much. 230-240
Why was the price in the low $200s before the auction?
The bidders were encouraging dumping (may be they dump some themselves) to drive the market rate down so they can bid lower. They are not going to send millions to shady exchanges to buy coins, they cannot send millions into China to buy at Chinese exchanges. There are only a couple of exchanges they can bid for coins.
Think about the "market rate" of those exhanges if they buy 50,000btc, even in small batches. Bidding Marshall coins at market rate is safe and a good price. Think about it.