First of all: 1AqTzzy3wtNV71e3CRKNKR9xxf3PPYff1H, 1MD2TribW7pSFtU2snSHKhfSxTV5TFY9Mz, and 1KWNwVhrvXqTDjkp7aE6mn9hNLKH7BeMcF
aren't wallets. Those are addresses.
A wallet is a collection of one OR MORE private keys and the associated addresses.
Secondly, many wallets will have additional addresses that they don't tell you about. Those additional addresses are used for receiving change from the transaction back into the wallet when you send a transaction. You can read more about it here: you looked at your "Bitcoin wallet for android V 4.21"? Is it missing any bitcoins, or does it have the right amount?
You really shouldn't use block explorers like to determine what is happening in your wallets. Block explorers make a lot of assumptions, and some of those assumptions are wrong. They also encourage people to misunderstand how bitcoin works (for example, there is no such thing as a "sending address").