I got a web wallet on blockchain.info. It has several addres.
How can i retrieve my transactions (sent and received), and for every movement some data (date and time, amount, hash, MY NOTE, address RECEIVED...) using their api and my excel VBA sheet?
I imagine reading on internet that i must use some JSON request and read the site's answer, but i don't know how to start. The API for all are described here:
https://blockchain.info/it/api/blockchain_apiCan anyone here help me please?
After 2day i'm able to put json string in a Excel-VBA variable. Here's the code:
Option Explicit
Sub ReadJsonAndParse()
Dim strURL As String
Dim xmlHttp As Object
Dim strReturn As String
strURL = "https://blockchain.info/it/address/15YMyRVQ1wyLsfwGP9Le97D3BRVG3nMjVW?format=json"
'Open URL and get JSON data
Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
xmlHttp.Open "GET", strURL
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
'Save the response to a string
strReturn = xmlHttp.responseText
End Sub
In the "strReturn" there is the whole retrieved string; i noticed i got in the part called ROOT some data i need: (address, total_received, total_sent and final_balance) and the number of transaction for the address, 3 transaction in total for this address ("n_tx": 3,) numbered 0,1 and 2. Each of this got a "hash" that i want retrieve, but it seems very hard to do. The amount of each transaction is in the array but i don't know how extract.
In the retrieved string i can't find my "NOTE" as i wrote in the page "My Wallet --> Transactions (recent)" near the yellow icon with a green plus (+) into. Where are them?
Tnx in advance at all.