New command added:
!bitstamp auth <CLIENT ID> <API KEY> <SECRET KEY>
!bitstamp unauth
!bitstamp short <USD target price> <BTC amount> <USD buy back price>
!bitstamp long <USD target price> <BTC amount> <USD sell back price>
!bitstamp orders: Open orders
!bitstamp cancel <Order ID>: Cancel <Order ID> order
!bitstamp cancel all: Cnacel all open orders
!bitstamp transactions: Shows last 10 transactions
!bitstamp balance: Shows account balance
!bitstamp ticker: Shows ticker info
-Trade bitcoins directly through telegram. Enable bitstamp api key from your bitstamp account and use auth command to authenticate and bear your mind do not allow critical permission such withdrawal.
!orderbook alert <exchange> <amount> -> Set alert in this chat
!orderbook alerts all <amount> -> Set all alerts in this chat
!orderbook alerts reload <seconds> -> Set seconds for each reload
!orderbook alert <exchange> disable -> Disable exchange in this chat
!orderbook alerts disable all -> Reset all alerts
!orderbook alerts disable -> Reset alerts in chat
Short mode: !ob <exchange> <amount>
<exchange>: bitfinex, okcoin, bitstamp, btce
<amount> format: 999.999 or 999
-Get orderbook asks/bids on all 4 major exchange.
PM me if you need any assistance.