https://github.com/emotional-engineering/deloreanThe private key is encrypted with password and is divided into pieces.
Each piece is placed in transactions OP_RETURN.
Every transaction is done on the amount obtainable from the some date.
For example: 1974/12/24 = 0.19741224 BTC
Final address in the chain transactions will be your cell, and his private key was encrypted.
Also you have to remember the creation date of the cell.
Possible to find in all transactions, made for a certain period of time, transactions with your memorized dates in amount.
A little bit later it will be
HD seed.
The difference from a brainwallets, that it will add extra information to the cell about used encryption.
If there is no site that is created your brainwallet, no access to the github, it will be difficult to remember the number of hash iterations, hash algorithm which was used and what was salted.
Example:Private key: L29g8Matk4rc8JoKAVUQbtTXiQzhDmgPoBE7aGBZwt92TzKvbMiG
Encrypted with password and is divided into 3 pieces: d13ff259cd828d4be119e2ce21d2b3b3500 , d0b8bec8b8a12c220f0c24df56c2ffdd7ba , e3cd3a34fcacb5f6001cb75afc75096415
There are three transactions with my dates (only yyyy/mm):
1985/12 -> 0.00198512 BTC
https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/tx/100e89e6f2a768d9f99bbb71c1add2a28309a81e40090c66c9133f02f1168cd2https://blockchain.info/tx/100e89e6f2a768d9f99bbb71c1add2a28309a81e40090c66c9133f02f1168cd2?show_adv=true2002/04 -> 0.00200204 BTC
https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/tx/0301f08cd0e1da727368ac2f84666cfdb047d33e34695d02804c02b3662849f1https://blockchain.info/tx/0301f08cd0e1da727368ac2f84666cfdb047d33e34695d02804c02b3662849f1?show_adv=true2005/01 -> 0.00200501 BTC
https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/tx/5b69dfa6b22b547219c76cfff2b91a345386808e5e942394678b672dcd10e84dhttps://blockchain.info/tx/5b69dfa6b22b547219c76cfff2b91a345386808e5e942394678b672dcd10e84d?show_adv=trueEach have OP_RETURN data with encrypted piece.
Last address in the chain is cell address: 19ktkEscSFDDazK8tsceEHpXptz7bvo3jA
To find your cell address using dates will need the Toshi client:
https://toshi.iohttps://github.com/coinbase/toshiSome examples of queries which Toshi can easily answer, which are not possible with Bitcoin Core:- ...
- Find all transactions in a certain time period
- ...
Toshi uses PostgreSQL (~400GB database).
Script to search for the address of the cell by dates in the progress, now I'm add some SQL to the repo.
First it select transactions by creation date, then looking in result for transactions with your dates in amount.Each round of encryption by password gives a longer string.
Additionally need to split the encrypted key on a large number of parts,
d13ff 259cd 828d4 be119 e2ce2 1d2b3 b3500 d0b8b ec8b8 a12c2 20f0c 24df5 6c2ff dd7ba e3cd3 a34fc acb5f 6001c b75af c7509 6415
and randomly shuffle,
1d2b3 20f0c b75af 259cd d0b8b ... etc
then combine and transfer,
For example, if you know the password, it takes 1 hour to find the right combination to decrypt. Protection against brute-force.
Information about these parts also will be added to the cell.
Creation can work from the browser in the final. It uses the chain.com api for blockchain operations.
Size of OP_RETURN peace will be increased (80 bytes).
You can create wallet, open and send using cell address.
https://github.com/emotional-engineering/deloreanDonations: 1BrxTH47GLpZN8aCuzVQJXwqXyKZFduWSP