Add bot please, and without promotion, We can run our own site with untitle dice script 0.05 house edge too.
I'll be adding a bot and promotions soon.
We have no access to your funds, at all.
I think it is not true, once a user enable the app and make a deposit to the app. The app have a full control to the deposited money.
Just suggestion :
- make a better design for your site
- buy a better domain
- promotions.
With this recent conditions on your site, it will be hard for you to compete with other moneypot apps.
I believe that's not true. I'm unable to view any people's deposits or funds overall. I just tested it with my other account and I couldn't find anything. I could be wrong, though.
As for the suggestions:
-Currently working on it.
-I'll be buying a new domain soon. The current one is just a placeholder
-Coming soon.
why use a free .xyz domain and not a decent domain name like a .com
it is not that expensive to buy, besides it would make your dice site look better and people feel better clicking on .com instead of .xyz
Buying new one soon.