If you are a seller and accept Bitcoin, you had to check the bitcoin/usd rate , then tell your
clients how many bitcoin it worth。If the btc price is rise, you had to low the quantity. If the btc
price is low, you had to raise the quantity. If the btc price is very extremely volatile, you will stop
to accept. It reveal clearly BTC depend on International Monetary System。Sames like gold need
usd dollar.
So, if btc prices jumped up as people imagine,from usd10 to usd1000. so many shop will find it
is difficult to accept btc in the trade. btc, in this world, people hope to instead USD system。But
it suddenly find himself cannot live without usd system.
One day i talked with a philosopher about btc, he doesnot know matter about it.But he told me if
you want to end the usd system, you had to create a country-bitcoin.
What is country-bitcoin?country-bitcoin is a bitcoin only regional circulation in IPV6。America-bitcoin Japan-bitcoin China-bitcoin
Franch-bitcoin ,if they like. If a chinese want to send his china-bitcoin to an american, it is cannot,boze
the ipv6, he had to use a web-wallet like
www.chinablockchain.info . American people only can see his
china-bitcoin in it, but can not send it back to us. sames like he save RMB in china bank(chinablockchain.info )
people use it in his country. If he want to send you a foreign BITCOIN , he had to use foreign smtp server.
Why fixed bitcoin in a country? 1. If bitcoin want to instead International Monetary System, he must broke his prices are American dollars.
2. If bitcoin want to people to use it, its price cannot extremely volatile.
3. If bitcoin want company,bank,fund, financial institution to save it, it must accept first by the government.
must eliminate risks of 51%. Country-bitcoin in IPV6 make government think they are safe.
4. If the third war begin, the internet cable cut by the war. each country can easy use country-bitcoin.
do not worry about global-bitcoin can not use in a local area network.
5. The most important is when America-bitcoin japan-bitcoin is established。 BTC-RATE start in this world.
6. Trade Protectionism make country-bitcoin is the best coin in world trade.
7. Country-bitcoin can tell people actual economic situation of the country truely
What is btc-rate?Btc-rate is not a btc/usd, BTC-RATE between the two countries。the real money ,the real rate. GREEK-BITCOIN
Prices dropped boze economy is in recession。America-bitcoin rise boze economic recovery。Trader trade them
like trade USD/JPY. Trader trade US-BTC vs JAPAN-BTC. They will like to trade it boze it is the real rate.
People talk them, do not talk how much is a btc/usd.They talk them like 1 america-bitcoin value how many China-bitcoin.
Euro-zone people do not worry about their money after break up, boze they can see GERMANY-BITCOIN vs FRENCH-BITCOIN
rate before break up. They will know their real money.
I holp it can start on github. and i holp to see the new Monetary System is start.