My name is Chris, I was looking to get a loan for 0.900 BTC for promoting my online website.
I will pay back by 10/23/2015, I work online and get payments from clients and I use VIRWOX that is how I will be able to pay you back.
The payback amount is going to be 1.05 BTC. The collateral is or The term Heroes Reborn is searched 300,000 times a month in the US and more worldwide. Anyone that knows what they are doing with websites will know the value in these domains. I am willing to push them over to your Godaddy account until I have paid you back.
This thread is not self-moderated. I hope you guys can keep the spam to a minimum.
If you would like to do this just reply on thread and we can trade. I have no problems going first or escrow.
Thanks for reading!~