Hello. This is a new topic for the "CharityChip Micro-investments".
Donators and Supporters are asked to voluntarily provide some BTC bitcoins for use in supporting new business ventures around the world. These are typical individuals seeking to make some new business opportunities using bitcoins or for bitcoin-related projects.
A similar project was done privately for about 6 months with overall positive results. Micro-loans were typically offered at the lowest rates available and served a braod range of borrowers geographically. Investments in business-related ventures are specifically targeted, and investments in specific projects are usually a very small percentage of the overall request. This helps ensure that limited funds are used and distributed fairly whiel also reducing risk exposures.
This project is currently operating using the BitLendingClub website, with investments originated from the account named "CharityChip". There are approximately30 countries that actively participate in this, and the site has a good track record for these loans for micro-investments into small businesses. The overal ROI for all investments over about a 6-month period is about 10-20%. The yield is close to 20%, but the net returns drop due to occasional defaults. However, with good investment selection and risk-reduction due diligence, the success rate is about 95%.
Donations would be used to make investments, and then permanently "re-invested" into the lending program once paid/completed. This would be a "one-way" contribution from someone who would like to make a simple donation to this project.
Supporters, however, would offer funds for a limited time, and then the original amount returned; profits from these investments would be permanently re-invested in the project.
Donations or support funds may be sent directly to the bitcoin address for the "CharityChip" account at the bitlendingclub.com website.
1FcyL5b9TddFbegeyGkKW7eeVxX6dANy4dPlease specify if your contribution is sent as a donation, or as a time-limited support.examples:JGuglia Donator 0,01 BTC "Good Luck!"
HRavi Supporter 0,1 BTC for 6 months "Hope it works, please send back to same BTC address. Thanks"
DevGalUS Donator 1
BTC + Supporter 2
BTC @ 3 months (if it goes well may extend another few months; send PM when time is near for more info)
There is a detailed log showing all transactions made and copies of this may be provided for verification to those who wish to have this posted in this forum as well.
As the project continues, other sites may be added or other similar means used to make substantially similar micro-investments. Please send a PM or post if you have other resources that you would like to be considered for this project. There is a current shortage of good offers in most of Africa and much of Asia now, so something that would help expand there would be useful.
For further information, questions, concerns, or other matters, please feel free to send a PM or post here in this topic.
Thank you for your consideration.
/s/ CharityChip
CharityChip Micro-investments