I bought this card as faulty several months ago, First run - it starts, but there was a very strange noise from the mobo's speaker. Then I noticed that one of the voltera's Capacitors was blown away (see pic1). I had to do a bridge for re soldering the new Capacitor as the pcb path was missing anyway this was done and now the card works without the creepy speaker noise from the mobo. The problem is that when you load the card VRM 1 starts overheating to extreme while VRM 2 and 3 stays cold, but eventuaaly gets heated by the PCB and cooling plate. At stock freq/voltage VRM gets above 140C in no time and card shutdown itself. I managed to get it to stable values for mining at the lowest 0.875 V and 430Mhz (177MH/s
) the VRM stays around 109C and that way the card is stable and mining for more than 4 months without a glitch. It can go higher freq, but the VRM gets too hot, more than ~120C
Device [1]: Cypress [Radeon HD 5800 Series]
Current core voltage: 0.8750 V
Presets: 0.8750 / 0.8750 / 0.8750 / 0.8750 V
Core power draw: 68.81 A (60.21 W)
VRM temperatures: 109 / 58 / 50 C
IMO there are two possible scenarios here1. VRM 2 and 3 are not working at all and the power is driven by VRM 1 which can't handle the full power requirements of the chip.
2. VRM 1 is shorted or just faulty and thats why it overheats.
What is your oppinion, now that the GPU mining is going to end I have more time to experiment with this.
Not actual picturesEdit: I remember now that same Capacitor (pic1) was desoldered for VRM 3 too.
This is not a cooling problem