As I explained in my post "Earth, cubes and bitcoins": can model every Earth/Atmosphere geolocation using cubes.
I will now introduce you to a kind of game that may one day become an interesting visual analytics tool.
It would work with a p2p network and clients, just like with bitcoin, but the proof-of-work would be used to testify the value of each cube cell of the matrix cube.
With the client you would have a model of the Earth, like Google Earth, maybe using it, actually, and you could see the matrix cube and the cube cells of the model I described in the post I mentioned, and each would have its ranking position: 1st, 2nd, 3rd... ...2,195,073,963,105,128,000,000th.
You could then set the ranking position you would like to have it set if you could completly control it, and according to the processing power you were devoting to the network your choice would be adjusting the ranking.
A simple math for this could be adding a number of points equal to the total number of cubes to the 1st in the ranking that would be multiplied by the processing devoted. For the second in the ranking you would be adding a number of points equal to the total number of cubes minus one, and so on for the rest, till the last in the ranking that would be adding only one point times the processing power devoted.
The sofware would use the points to be able to tell how much percent of the points was each cube worth.
You could save your usual preferences in a wallet file so that it was always easy to import it to a client and choose which of the preferences of your wallet you wanted to use at that time.
The original/natural order of the cell cubes would be this: the cube at the center of the matrix cube would be the 1st. The 2nd would be the one contiguous to it on top of it, on its North. Then the 3rd the next one right to it, on East, the 4th the cube next on the right to the center, on East. Then, the 5th, down, on South, and all around, 6th below the center, 7th left to it and 8th, on the left of the center, and all around in spiral till you have all the center layer. Then you would get to the center again but on the second layer, going towards the Greenwich Time Meridian, and go all around in spiral again the same way, covering all the second layer. Then the third layer would be the layer contiguous to the center layer but in the opposite direction to the Greenwich Time Meridian; and the fourth layer contiguous to the second layer, and so on, and so fourth, till the last layer.
A preference in the wallet would be just a string like:
[a0,a1][b0,b1][c0,c1][d0,d1][e0,e1][f0,f1]...with all pairs, correspondent to all cell cubes.
The first value in the pair is what cube location is meant and the second its real position in the ranking you want to vote for. Maybe a better format can be found, but this is not too bad because you can easily manipuate it changing text.
Past history cannot be changed or traded. Once you make your choice and contribuition it is irreversible and only future add ups and commitement will influence the value of each cube.
The name I gave it is: 'votecubecoin'.