Hello folks,
First of all, I want to apologize for how things turned out.
Here is a detailed version of what happened :
Altdice.net is a multicoin dice website. It was founded in August 2013 and experienced little downtime before the hack.
In march 2015, some offchain dice script was added. Prior to that, I asked a dev to make a review of the code to make sure it's safe to use.
(Link to dev PM)It appeared the script was fine to run.
It ran for less than two months, then it got hacked.
(Link to hack screenshot.)Most of the funds were gone. There is my first mistake : the onchain and offchain game shared the same hot wallets.
That way, the exploiter took large pieces of both offchain and onchain bankrolls.
Then, and this is hard to mention, I was experiencing hell in my personal life.
I don't want to go into the details, but the hack didn't help. I hate how I went missing, but I could hardly do it otherwise.
That was my worst mistake.
Now, things have changed and life gets better.
Such hack is not likely to happen again.
The original onchain dice game is safe. It was tailor-made by a professional dev and heavily tested.
It processed over 250,000 bets in 18 months, in total. It had some minor bugs at start, but all got fixed.
When time will come to introduce some offchain dice game, I'll make sure it follows the same proceeds and is as reliable as the onchain one.
Altdice was and will be a great service within the cryptocoins communities.
What happens next :
I am relaunching Altdice.net as it was before, an on-chain dice game.
The original onchain game is still great and runs smooth.
Shares are being sold, and the benefits will mainly be used to recover the missing coins.
Everything will be done to restore the game as it was before. It may take some time, but we're on the right path.
I hope that some time of flawless exploitation will heal Altdice.net.
Below is the list of acknowledged shareholders :
Digitalcoin (DGC) :
DNqueFkYiopS11mPycaxoxjrGdNoTusn3g 50,000 DGC
DHhG9FpTYFb3P3Yx55cn2UmNUmWN9SsDdH 2,200 DGC
D9b4sGh39ALk1nhhqijTVQFRwgLgVJjCfU 1,712 DGC
DNUDg9cE7iAzu8XuMiddRK23Ef7R1o9xnP 1,000 DGC
Dogecoin (DOGE) :
DUR8Kb28e9QXjRdjgDazfwzxJpsifHYz3h 10 DOGE
DNFxbskshfiZ8Gw8ZfiVBNy1mX5xbVW4n9 5,493 DOGE
DNt7SvRkxk6zQ1hYSMUemtReAJjuaEiBKy 34,000 DOGE
DMLZ5JDWbYzZUwPZ4vfFynJdCdqv37rHWM 34,000 DOGE
DPXd2XHVcQ4mSRB2RVD6utiRq28jvndgob 10,500 DOGE
Friendshipcoin2 (FSC2) :
FXZVa8MH4Etrazc6HAMR3nZ5npkCTZYt2z 46,654 FSC2
FiffBeNuZ3QMRufCZnc6zmovoMoig5fPH6 40,000 FSC2
FYartMTxgbmuLT1mk8Gi1hcbDQAdi5jvZs 20,000 FSC2
FpGt7MGnG9zrgbbvSPevQrw4CLzKbcazmR 500 FSC2
Gridcoin (GRC) :
SBVa1iYHepJocyJ9SBVgoqws6H6Y1mCxaG 250,000 GRC
S25DynmBLZCiDzbedffA7zNf9xciGgXVB6 49,999 GRC
S1XQ24U4yL4Xi3ZWsRQABnp7JM61a722nC 39,000 GRC
S6ShskmUFgScKBqcbUDoutG66VhXspsfim 3,000 GRC
SAe6h3ta1CCX32fPV76Rt9jCiTBEav2NU5 1,000 GRC
S1ooPKbeXbQM5s2UFNJKxu5f8AVwqT8bTd 1 GRC
Viacoin (VIA) :
VcXCATp8LVpa3hRsMAfYw6LJ2zM94YADnm 1,000 VIA
VoUxdrgsjdgNAEejVq7a63pFXFK4g2WTGV 250 VIA
VkfRoEo4x4VZaw3qT11NncyMmqYe5M1JqJ 9,793 VIA
VsaHNFo7EsPJQMnRtV8rmPbRHhFTUdZi4t 5,000 VIA
VdZYQxd6pgifT7VJQMKXPNM7H9y986XkWm 1,000 VIA