Hi all. I would like to get some input on the fun and easy to use faucet I'm currently developing for my altcoin.
So basically this coin can only be invested with your time, no money will ever be accepted to buy Grancoin. Time is money anyways some people say.
The games is based on the oldest gran alive.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Tjikko aswell we're using the concept from Tamagotchi.
In order to receive your Grancoin you must maintain your spruce and pet it for all it needs, you collect the cones that will give you more and more "Grancoin" for each an every day. Buy manure, chainsaw and axes as well call in some rain in order to water your tree. Name your tree-company and put it on the leaderboard and maybe you will win 1 million Grancoin.
Eventually your spruce gets old and dies, here you can cash-out your Grancoin and sell them back for the income generated by in-game ads.
Starting from 1 XGR you can expect about 800-1600 XGR from one playing session. XGR=Grancoin
We're using 50% of all ads to fundraise our Foundation in order to create a higher value for our coin, this foundation is going to invest in real properties to maintain a sustainable forest through out the ages. 80% of all the future return from the forest will be re-invested in the Foundation, the other 20% will be used to buy back as many Grancoins as possible from the market.