Congratulation to USA as the top wealth inequality of developed nation among others.
Let us look closely on data, I have summarized the data from one of the report .
The inequality is calculated by using mean wealth divide with median wealth. If you learn math before, you should know what is mean and median and hence inequality can be calculated from those two values.
Country Median Mean Inequality
1. United States $ 44,977 $344,692 7.66
2. Denmark $ 52,279 $259,816 4.97
3. Germany $ 42,833 $185,175 4.32
4. Austria $ 52,519 $206,002 3.92
5. Israel $ 54,384 $176,263 3.24
6. Kuwait $ 40,803 $119,038 2.92
7. Finland $ 52,427 $146,733 2.80
8. Canada $ 96,664 $270,179 2.80
9. Taiwan $ 63,134 $172,847 2.74
10. Singapore $101,386 $276,885 2.73
11. United Kingdom $107,865 $288,808 2.68
Wow, the inequality of united states is 54.12 % higher than denmark. It is clearly state that citizen of usa, please ask your representtives to do and act with actions! ! !
Compared to Denmark America has a large territorial political boundary and that means the population is much higher than Denmark. The display in numbers is not something to be shocked at since there are more people in the United States than in Denmark. The more people a nation has the more gaps and grey areas that the government must looked at. In short what I mean is given the large number of Americas population inequality is normal.