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Author Topic: [ANN][CARECOIN]Care4Me & CareCoin - Viitorul managmentului sanatatii  (Read 568 times)
xcajun21 (OP)
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June 28, 2017, 05:45:18 PM
Last edit: July 19, 2017, 12:34:16 PM by xcajun21

Pentru orice nelamurire legata de platforma Care4me si Pre-Finantare (Presale, ICO)
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Ce este "Care4Me"

Care4me este o platforma P2P (peer-2-peer) ce inglobeaza toate serviciile necesare pentru asistente si pacienti la numai un click distanta. Platforma Care4Me va functiona prin web, iOS si Android;
ganditi-va la o anvergura de genul UBER, dar pentru asistente. In acest moment prototipul este in constructie si primele variante vor fi disponibile publicului larg pe data de 8 Iulie 2017 pe site-ul Care4Me

Problema de fata

Care4me are ca tinta rezolvarea si diminuarii unei mari probleme de miliarde de dolari in industria sanatatii si a spitalelor; reincadrarea/readmisia

Reincadrarea si readmisia spitalelor se intampla atunci cand un pacient este eliberat intr-un timp de 30 de zile iar apoi readmis din nou. In 2013, 18% dintre toate admisile a tuturor pacientilor au avut ca rezultat readmisia intr-un timp de 30 de zile de la eliberare, insumand o suma anuala de $15 miliarde in costuri. In plus fata de aceste costuri, respitalizarea in repetate randuri au pus pacientii intr-o primejdie mai mare in aparitia complicatiilor, spitalele au fost infectate, nivelul stresului a crescut. Pentru ca in majoritatea cazurilor, readmisiile au fost pentru proceduri nonchirurgicale, ceea ce face readmisia cu putin profitabila pentru spitale.

Solutia Care4Me

Care4Me are misiunea de a simplifica efortul readmisiilor in spitale colaborand cu asistentele si agentiile de asigurari in sanatate, aducand un beneficiu real pentru milioane de pacienti de pe intreg mapamondul. Prima linie de batalie se duce intre furnizori de asigurari datorita faptului ca lor le cade misiunea cat si povara financiara a readmisiei in spitale pentru pacienti. Asadar, acesti furnizori cauta sa angajeze o forta de lucru majora care sa se ocupe cu administrarea si grija a sutelor de mii de pacienti eliberati din internare si gata de readmisie.
Asistentele care lucreaza cu noi au ca scop supervizarea si tinerea sub supraveghere a pacientilor ca acestia sa urmeze pasii corespunzători indicati de doctori. Speram ca in acest fel numarul readmisiilor spitalelor este redus intr-un proces care poate salva vieti.

Sistemul de sanantate intampinat de "Blockchain"

Moneda CareCoin este un Token ERC20 creat prin ecosistemul Ethereum pentru uz special in industria Sanatatii. Care4me este prima platforma care incorporeaza tehnologia Ethereum in aplicatii speciale pentru sistemul de sanatate, intr-un mod practic.
Oferim un sistem simplificat pentru Asistentele medicale care lucreaza cu diferite aptitudini ce consta in intruducere baza de date, certificari si licente, etc, literalmente tot ce tine de primirea asistentelor/pacientilor si custodia acestora in aplicatia noastra.
Personalul nostru examineaza toata documentatia si certifica faptul ca asistentele medicale sunt intr-adevar calificate. Aceasta certificare este documentata utilizand contracte smart pe Ethereum si este publica pentru a asigura cel mai inalt nivel de incredere in asistentele medicale.

Toate cazurile deschise sunt inregistrate in aplicatia noastra de catre furnizorii de Asigurari de Sanatate. Asistentele medicale care au fost validate in sistem vor avea oportunitatea sa accepte aceste cazuri si administra serviciile si aptitudinile necesare. Acestea vor adapta toate documentatiile necesare catre furnizori de asigurari aferente. Ca urmare, furnizori de asigurari vor lasa apoi o revizuire pentru asistenta care va fi de asemenea certificata prin tehnologia de contracte inteligente Ethereum. Toate acestea vor contribui la un standard inalt de calitate a servicilor oferite de asistentele medicale fata de datoria lor catre clienti. Un sistem asemanator de rating al cunoscutelor firme "Uber" sau "Lyft's". Un factor important este ca revizia si ratingul se va afla pe blockchain cu toate abilitatile si certificarile. Cat si licentele dobandite de asistente.
Moneda CareCoin poate fii transferata in sume CASH, cat si recompense legate de serviciile de sanatate oferite si acceptate prin CareCoins.


Data Pre-finantare: Iulie 17, 2017
Locatia pre-finantare:
Nume: CareCoin
Ticker: CARE
Numar total si cantitate: Nedeterminata. Se va anunta
Oferta de vanzare @ Pre-finantare: 32,500,000 CareCoins

Un prototip functional va fi completat pana pe 8 Iulie, 2017. Acest prototip va fi accesibil publicului care vrea sa vada platforma pentru prima oara. Pentru a termina aceasta platforma, vom recruta o echipa in intregime formata din developeri UI/UX, profesionisti in mediul legal/finante / cat si consultanti. Ca acest obiectiv sa fie complet, lansam pre-finantarea in care o suma mica de Care coins va fi distribuita si vanduta in strangerea de fonduri (ICO-Presale). Spre deosebire de o finantare de grandoare, o mica pre-finantare ne va permite sa strangem suficienti bani pentru a finaliza produsul nostru viabil in minim versiunea V1.0 (MVP) si pentru a pregati toate conditiile formale pentru CareCoin in strangerea de fonduri aferenta.

Pentru a participa in Pre-Finantarea aferenta (Presale-ICO), inregistrati un cont pe Pe masura ce sunt dezvoltate mai multe instructiuni, toti participantii vor fi anuntati.

Succesul pre-finantarii

Finalizarea prototipului intr-un produs finit si viabil v1.0
Angajarea directorilor si personalului cheie pentru a lansa operatiunile
Extinderea activitatilor de marketing
Angajare consultanti juridici si financiari

Pre-finantarea (presale) va fi structurata in felul urmator
Va dura 2 saptamani si va fi impartita in 5 runde. Daca orice runda nu este finalizata in 2 saptamani, pre-finantarea se va extinde timp de 2 saptamani suplimentar
Fondurile vor fi rambursate pentru rundele incomplete. Rundele complete nu vor fi rambursate
Dupa finalizarea celor 5 runde de finantare, campania de strangere de fonduri se va incheia, toti tokenii si achizitiile finalizate vor fi publicate propietarilor


Bonusurile vor fi emise dupa cum urmeaza:

• Pentru fiecare runda finalizata dupa cumpararea initiala, veți primi 1% din achizitia dvs. pentru fiecare runda completa.
• De exemplu: achizitionati 100.000 CareCoins în runda 1. Veti primi 1000 CareCoin pentru fiecare runda finalizata pentru un total de 4000 CareCoins in bonusuri.
• Achizitiile realizate în etapa a 5-a se vor califica pentru o oferta CareCoin Give-A-way, care se ridica la 5% din totalul CareCoin vandut in runda a 5-a; Aproximativ 325.000 CareCoin.

HARTA (RoadMap)

O viziune in viitor a proiectului CareCoin

Odata cu sucesul lansari si expansiunea platformei CareCoin in sectorul Sanatatii, Grupul Helios (Helios Health Group) va investi un procent de 75% din capital in cercetare si dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii p2p (peer -2- peer). Aceste tehnologii, a caror aplicatii au in vizor servicii pentru pietele ce se ocupa cu asigurari de sanatate si medicale, care vor pune in folosinta blockchainul cu contractele inteligente Ethereum, tehnologie care va redefini complet felul cum este administrat sistemul de sanatate in lume. Aplicatiile smart contract bazate pe aceasta tehnologie in sistemul de sanatate si industrie per total, are un imens potential sa revolutioneze accesul la sistemul de sanatate eliminand birocratia, frauda si coruptia, daruind oamenilor un acess la sanatate cu adevarat binemeritat.

Este in datoria grupului Helios (Helios Health Group) sa folosesca CareCoin ca varf de lance, o moneda care sa sustina inovatii in acest domeniu. In viitorul apropiat vom avea o retea globala in domeniul sanatatii care va opera ca un sistem complet. Acest sistem eliminand structurile traditionale ce se bazeaza vehement pe furnizorii de sanatate si guverne printr-un access centralizat. Viitorul sistemului de sanatate va fi in mainile omului de rand.





xcajun21 (OP)
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June 28, 2017, 06:02:56 PM

For all general inquiries regarding
the Care4me platform and Presale/ICO
Please join our Slack!

We are constantly looking for talent.
Like our project and want to become a part of the team?
Please email us at

What is Care4Me?

Care4Me is a peer-2-peer platform that brings nurses and individuals in need of care management services together at the push of a button. The Care4Me platform will function as a web, iOS and Android application; think Uber-for-Nurses. The Prototype is currently under development and first renditions will be made available to the public on July 8th, 2017 on the Care4Me website.

The Problem-at-Hand

Care4Me aims to alleviate a multi-billion-dollar problem in the Health Industry; hospital readmissions. A hospital Readmission is when a patient discharged from a hospital is readmitted back into the hospital within 30 days of original discharge. In 2013, 18% of all inpatient admissions resulted in readmissions within 30 days after discharge, accounting for $15 billion in annual costs. In addition to these costs, repeat hospitalizations place patients at greater risk for complications, hospital acquired infections, and stress. Because most readmissions are for nonsurgical services, it is unlikely that readmissions are profitable for hospitals.

The Care4Me Solution

Care4Me’s mission is to reduce hospital readmissions by partnering directly with Health Insurance Providers and providing them with the Nurse workforce needed to service the millions of patients discharged from hospitals nationwide. Insurance providers are placed in the front lines of the battle with hospital readmissions since it is they who suffer the financial burden of it. Therefore, these Insurance companies are seeking to subcontract with nursing agencies that can provide the workforce required to service thousands of patients discharged from hospitals nationwide. Our nurses will be given the important task of visiting recently discharged patients at home and making sure that they are following the proper instructions given by their doctors. In this way, we hope to reduce preventable hospital readmissions and in the process save lives.

Where Health Care Meets the Blockchain

CareCoin is an ERC20 token created using the Ethereum ecosystem for special use within the Healthcare Industry. Care4Me is the first platform to incorporate Ethereum technology into a practical healthcare service. Our platform makes it easy for nurses to apply and submit all their qualifications such as licenses and certificates to the Care4Me database by streamlining the on boarding process on the app. Our staff reviews all documentation and certifies that the nurses are indeed qualified. This certification is documented using Ethereum Smart Contracts and publicized to ensure the highest level of trust in our nurses.

Health Insurance providers register on the app and upload all patients who they currently have open cases for. Nurses who have been approved will have the opportunity to accept cases they are qualified to service. They will service the case and submit all required documentation to the Insurance Providers. The insurance provider then can leave a review for the nurse which will also be certified using Ethereum Smart Contract technology. CareCoins are provided to Nurses whenever their reputation increases as a trust worthy nurse. This provides a valuable incentive for nurses to maintain a high-quality standard of work and care for our clients. This system will work similar to Uber and Lyft's rating system of driver and clients. The difference lying in the fact that our reviews will be certified on the blockchain along with nurse qualifications and licenses. CareCoins can then be redeemed for cash, rewards or used in other health related services which, in the future, will accept CareCoins.


Presale Date: July 17th, 2017
Presale Location:
Name: CareCoin
Ticker: CARE
Total CareCoin Supply: To be announced - Stay Tuned!
Up-For-Sale @ Presale: 32,500,000 CareCoins

A working Care4Me prototype will be completed by July 8th, 2017. This prototype will allow the public to get a glimpse of the care4Me platform. In order to complete the platform though, a team of backend developers, UI/UX professionals and legal/financial consultants will need to be hired. In order to do this, a small amount of CareCoin will be sold in an ICO Presale. Unlike a big ICO, a small presale will allow us to raise just enough money to complete our minimum viable product V1.0 (MVP) and prepare all the formal conditions for a proper CareCoin ICO.

To participate in the presale, register an account on As more instructions are developed all registered participants will be notified.


Presale funds will be used for the following Milestones:

•   Completion of prototype into a Minimum Viable Product v1.0
•   Hiring of key Directors and Staff to launch Care4Me operations
•   Expand marketing outreach
•   Hire legal and financial advisors


The CareCoin presale will be structured as follows:

•   Presale will span 2 weeks and be divided in 5 rounds If any round is not completed in 2 weeks, presale will extend for 2 additional weeks.
•   Funds will be refunded for incomplete rounds. Completed rounds will not be refunded.
•   Upon completion of all 5 rounds of funding, Presale will close, all purchases finalized and CareCoins released to owners.


Bonuses will be issued as follows:

•   For every round completed after your initial purchase, you will be awarded 1% of your purchase for each additional completed round.
•   For example: You purchase 100,000 CareCoins in Round 1. You will be awarded 1000 CareCoin for every subsequent round completed for a total of 4000 CareCoins in bonuses.
•   Purchases made in the 5th round will qualify for a CareCoin Give-A-way amounting to 5% of total CareCoin sold in 5th round; approximately 325,000 CareCoin.[/size]

Milestone Roadmap


The Future of CareCoin

Upon the successful launch and expansion of the Care4Me platform into the Care management health sector, Helios Health Group will invest 75% of revenues into research and development of new peer-2-peer technologies. These technologies, whose application will range from hospital services to health insurance markets, will make use of up and coming blockchain and ethereum smart contract technology to completely redesign how healthcare is administered in the world. The application of smart contract technology within the healthcare industry has the immense potential to revolutionize access to healthcare by eliminating bureaucracy, fraud and corruption and give people the access to healthcare they truly deserve.

It is the aims of Helios Health Group to use CareCoin as the leading Health Currency to back these coming innovations. In the future, we will have a global network of health services that operates as a full working system. This system will move away from traditional structures that rely heavily on health insurance companies and central governments to provide access to healthcare through centralized means. The future of healthcare will be in the hands of the common man.

Care4Me - CareCoin
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June 28, 2017, 08:08:13 PM

Vă mulțumim pentru răspunsul în limba română!

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July 19, 2017, 07:26:42 AM

un proiect foarte bun, sper ICO va avea succes, pot să mă înscriu în campania de semnare acum

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Free TON


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